St. Paul's Lutheran School

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Trunk or Treat

Enjoy a fright-free evening of fun and fellowship! It's an all outdoor tailgate party where kids trick-or-treat from car to car.

Register here to reserve a parking spot.

*Registration is only for those families who wish to reserve a parking spot.*


Trunk ‘r Treat is a fun and fright-free zone so please choose costumes, props and masks that aren’t scary or gory.

Parking: 120 spots are at the North end of the parking lot. ECC & PDO, please park in the middle spots near the gym or in Des Peres Park. Trunk-r-Treating will take place in the North end of the K-8 parking lot. Volunteers and families not reserving a parking spot are asked to park in the South end of the lot or Des Peres Park.

If you are not reserving a parking spot, please donate a SMALL bag of candy to your school office by Wednesday, October 25.